Ethan Harms
I am a born & bred RagingBull trader of around 4 years learning from all the greats RB had to offer. It took me a lot of time and money until I started to become the profitable trader I am today. My psychology and motto to this day is simple...never give up!
I trade options mostly and will use any method I see fit to make myself profit. A large majority of these trades are directional out of the money calls/puts with hold times varying from 1min to several weeks in some cases. I use things like algorithmic scanners (algo), dollar ace scanner, unusual option activity, and news for many of my trades. Combined that with technical analysis and great chart patterns and setups I have been doing very well. I also post my daily watchlist every morning in chat room feed and give price levels of what I am watching for. These are generally quicker day trades that I will mention in the general chat. I also love to keep the room updated with certain names I see come up that are of interest whether it be from news or just key breaks and momentum. I look forward to chatting & trading with you in The Workshop!
Brian Veit
I began trading much like most of you, with a wing and a prayer and not much to back up a whole lot of hope and dreams of financial security. I then discovered RagingBull through Ben. I spent countless amounts of time in chat rooms, learning, watching, and following plays off volume, chart patterns, and momentum, but it always bothered me that someone was selling these stocks to me, and making a profit, when I was just finding and getting into the play. That sent me on a mission. I made it a full time job to dig and research. Not just market cap and float, and the things anyone can find. I wanted to know the stuff that was coming down the road. The real catalyst before it was a catalyst, merger rumors, stock repurchase, contracts, FDA approvals, anything and everything that can make a stock MOVE! I purchase stocks and accumulate positions before others have even heard of the ticker symbol. Most of my positions are under the $10 level, and the greater majority are so far under that they dream of reaching a penny someday. That is my bread and butter. You will also find me in chat around 7am every morning with a merry group of loyal subscribers, watching the news and sometimes taking positions in fast moving scalp trades or news driven day trades. I love to teach and answer questions and derive great pleasure when someone makes a trade off an idea that I have found! I also feed the chat room up to the minute news and links from the many different sources I monitor daily.
Stacy Edwards
After a career of practicing Physical Therapy, serving as an Officer attached to VaANG and enjoying an advocation of singing/songwriting/acting, I suffered multiple injuries and illnesses that conspired to render me disabled and dealing with catastrophic medical bills.
A life-long learner, I started my trading training in Jan. of 2019 with Raging Bull. I grasped the basics of chart analysis from Jeff Williams and Jason Bond but found my niche in the options arena studying under Jeff Bishop, Ben Sturgill and others.
I do trade small caps at times and prefer to do so with options, however, the bulk of my trading is done using the squeeze, order flow, Fibonacci levels, volume profile, EMAs, SMAs, opening range breaks, as well as chart and candle patterns. While no using the futures for general market evaluation, I day and swing trade including 0 DTE (Zero Day To Expiration) , continuation patterns, squeeze, theta based ( credit spreads, butterflies, etc.), volatility, and some OTM gamma based trades. I also occasionally trade stocks, mostly penny and Sub-penny. In The Workshop, I keep my eyes on the LottoX scanner for opportunities and collaborate daily with Ben to identify the Mobile Closer pick of the day.
Taylor O’connor
A musician at heart (Piano), Taylor’s creativity led him into the world of film before ultimately finding himself in the car business because it was far more profitable. His love of cars (including his prized personal collection) and his desire to help people proved successful in the car business. Initially a salesman, next a sales manager is when he decided to open his own company. Currently his company is still successful, only now it’s run by employees which allow Taylor to focus on the market.
Taylor has been involved in the markets for over a decade while honing his focus on day trading TSLA. Having been a member of RagingBull for several years he learned under a broad variety of traders at RagingBull. Like the musician that he is, Taylor incorporates what he sees and hears from others into his own unique trading style. In the room, you’ll find Taylor focusing primarily on scalping (very fast and short-term trades) on TSLA. By using the LottoX Setup along with several other indicators, Taylor looks for reversals to play in TSLA for moves of 10% or more in options and tries to do this several times a day! As he puts it, he likes trading Tesla because it’s just like the actual Tesla car he bought his wife, “it moves quickly and can really get going when it wants to.”
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